I have come to believe that there is a reason behind everything that happens inside of me. That modern medicine often only treats the symptoms, and not the causes. Adapting to this view has allowed me to recover from illness, symptoms have vanished, feelings have been healed, and I now feel more...whole, as a person. I never take the easy road and treat just the symptoms anymore, I bite the sour apple and go looking for the solution to the problem behind the symptom. The symptom is just a way for our bodies to make us listen when there is an imbalance in our system. This may be on an emotional, physical or mental frequency in our body.
Too often we don't bother trying to find the reason behind it all, because we're not used to think for ourselves. Simple as that. We're not used to taking a closer look at ourselves, understanding that everything starts in us, and that all the solutions are in us. Of course no one would do without modern medicine, neither would I. But in order to solve our issues, we have to take a risk. The risk of finding out that we are not perfect, ant that we never were supposed to be. At least not the way we think we're supposed to. It's the flaws that make us perfect. The fact that we have to constantly adjust to our surroundings, makes this a little more exciting. If we dare to stare at the blackest parts of our soul, then we can discover the brightest parts of ourselves. Without darkness there is no light.
Fear is what keeps us from reaching our potential most of the times. I will bet you that every single one of us has 10, if not 100 times more potential than we dare to imagine ourselves. Fear is what makes most of the darkness inside us, and fear can easily be beaten. It may take some effort, but fear is always an illusion. We can NEVER know for sure what is going to happen next, but we often imagine the worst. Why not the best? We attract what we focus our attention on, so if you suspect the worst, well there you have it. Fear grows on fear. It may consume you as a person if you let it. But it is always an illusion that has not yet turned into reality.
If you one day decide that you are sick of being controlled by fear and "worst case scenarios", then you may take a good look at your self in the mirror. Do you honestly believe that you were put on this earth to suffer? To be limited as a person your whole life? To always being scared and never believing that you are worth the very best there is? The old saying that "You have to love yourself before you can be loved by others", is true. If you can learn to love yourself, and be your own best friend, then I promise you, everything will be easier. Every day will seem lighter, and you will learn how to make a dark night turn into a bright morning. Because if you just feel the difference once, you know how good life can be. And is supposed to be!
So back to the beginning, it may start off with just a simple headache. Insted of taking that Aspirine as you're used to, you can ask yourself why this headache always haunts you. In which situations does it appear, after eating, sleeping little, arguing with your boyfriend? Change the reason, and erase the symptom. It's a matter of empowering yourself. Cause if you have the power to think for yourself, find the reason, and then change the way you cause that symptom to appear, then you have the power to be free. The power to change your life for the better, the power to take control yourself, and not be a victim to outer influences and Aspirine. I dare you to take control of your own life.
All of this has led me to another question. When there is a reason behind all that happens inside of us, is there a reason behind what happens outside of us? The events that occur in the world, our lives, why we were born and where and when? Do we have a destiny, or are we really in charge of where our lives go? Is it true that when we "find ourselves", we step onto that pathway we were always meant to walk on? Or did we make ourselves a totally new one? Is there any plan? I can't help thinking in bigger scales when I apply this theory to my self. Are there any Gods? A God? Are we alone in the universe? Will we ever see "others"? Why are there so many things we cannot explain, that seems to have its purpose none the less? Are we meant to find other planets to live on, after we have destroyed our own? Cause that's what we all are thinking, and especially the scientists. Terraforming Mars and so on. That must mean that in a not so distant future, they expect Earth to loose the battle against its inhabitants. Or what? We're not running out of solar power just yet, so that can't be it.
Is this perhaps our chance to look at ourselves as a collective, pointing the finger at our own nose and taking that scary look in the mirror? It's not just happening in our bodies, it's happening in the world as well. We take that Aspirine, and forget there was ever a problem. And we search for a new home because we don't really want to solve the problems we have in our own. Just take the discussions around pollution, they're being handled ridiculous by most people. People don't want to give up their comfort, so they try to irrationalize it into "someone elses problem". Why can't we instead acknowledge that we live on a planet that will die if we are not being wise about it? You don't have to be a Treehugging Hippie to be smart, and to care. If we did not have this planet, we would not be here. Simple as that. I hope that more and more people will open their eyes and realize that we have to be honest. With ourselves, and with each other. When we clear the clutter within, we can help clear the clutter outside.
So I guess my conclusion to this long chain of thoughts is, dare to really look within your self - and then dare to really look around you. Don't just ignore everything and hope someone else will fix it for you. Or fix you. My mother always says, "Do the job yourself if you want to ensure it's done right". Think for yourself. Don't be a sheep your whole life, and then complain about how life never went your way. It's your life. Don't lay your life in the hands of other, instead make a decision that you are going to be in charge. Today.
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