torsdag 5. mai 2011

I heart life !

Well - I finished one of my main goals for 2011 last Tuesday!

I auditioned for RSAMD - Scotland's top theatre school. Actually it's ranked as one of the top 4 drama schools in the entire world. So it was kind of a big deal to me, seeing as this was my first audition ever.

I had practised with and without my coach for several weeks, and became pretty stressed out when the day approached. Exitement and nerves wrapped up in one big tornado, that's how it felt like! Terrible and wonderful at the same time.

Tuesday came along, and it was time for my audition. I was the first one out, and at 10pm I entered the ballroom with as much confidence there was left in me. There were two "judges", one Scottish, and one Norwegian. We introduced ourselves to each other, and i began.

The first piece had to be Shakesperian, and I went for Katherina in "The taming of the shrew". Second I did a modern piece, and chose Linda Rotunda in "Savage in limbo", a play by John Patrick Shanley. They both went well, although I forgot some text in the middle of the second piece. Luckily I had accessories to play with, so it didn't take long before I remembered the next passage. I know they noticed, but that never matters as long as you carry on like nothing has happened. But those 6-7 seconds felt like 6 hours!!! Had me worried there one second, it would have been a disaster if I had to break off and say I forgot the text. But I made it! :-)

After the audition-part of the audition, which was videotaped by the way, they did an interview with me. Asked me why I chose those two plays, why acting at all, and why RSAMD. Then they made me do Katherina again, sitting this time, and towards the Norwegian woman that was in the jury. She was now my very best friend in the whole wide world. We talked a bit more, and it was all over in maybe 20 minutes. It was insane.

They are in Reykjavik right now, doing more auditions, and then they will review all the tapes this weekend with the rest of the staff at RSAMD. I will hopefully hear from them in the beginning of the next week. Wishing for the best! :-D

It would be absolutely awesome to move to Scotland in september, I could really need a change now. I have to take the opportunity now, before I get a husband, child and house on my hands! Haha! Don't really see that coming, but you never know. Nothing ties me to Norway right now, exept my friends and family. And I've already moved away from half of them, so I'm getting used to that now.

I can't even describe how insanely amazing it feels to realize my biggest dream! It makes me believe even more in wonders.. ;-) I actually have a good chance of getting in to RSAMD, that's..sick. To think that I waited for so many years, believing that I wouldn't be good enough. And here I am now, shooting for the stars. I love my life. The people that say I'm crazy to believe in my dreams, they are the crazy ones. I am one massive potential waiting to explode! Those of you who want to continue sitting on the bench watching life go by, be my guests. I don't care anymore. Jante's Law was made to be broken. I rock.

This is gonna be one long weekend, but I'll just have to manage somehow. Whatever happens, happens. It's all opportunities anyway.

Have a nice one! :-)

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